Aluminium Frame and
Composite Panel Caravan Construction

When it comes to building caravans, there is little doubt that aluminium frames and composite panels are the way of the future. That’s why we offer a 5-year structural warranty across our range.
Aluminium is durable and doesn’t corrode or rust, and is not susceptible to rot or distortion. This makes aluminium a great choice where strength and longevity are key, like the frame of a caravan.
Composite panels are also considered the gold standard in caravan construction. They are strong, lightweight, and well-insulated, making them ideal for caravan manufacturing.
It took considerable research and expertise to design and produce Snowy River Caravans. That’s why our caravans are built to last with thick composite panel floor and walls and aluminium frames. The end result is a strong caravan with great insulation against the varying temperatures around Australia.
What is a Composite Panel?

Making a composite panel involves bonding two outer layers of fibreglass to a foam core, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as a sandwich panel.
The core used is high-density XPS foam (extruded polystyrene). This rigid foam has a very high R-value, meaning it is an excellent insulator. It also has good moisture resistance properties and does not rot or support mould growth.
A two-part polyurethane adhesive bonds the layers together. This provides a very strong bond that can withstand the rigours of caravanning. Once bonding is complete, these panels are riveted to the caravan’s aluminium frame, making the entire structure rigid.
Aluminium Frame
Aluminium frames have been part of caravan manufacturing since the 1970s. Aluminium caravan frames are made by welding high-quality aluminium together. This makes a strong and durable caravan frame that is unlikely to warp or become damaged over time, giving you peace of mind when you’re on the road.
Composite Panel and Aluminium Frames VS Aluminium Cladding and Timber Frames
There are many benefits to using modern sandwich panel construction compared to the old “stick and tin” method. Here are some of them.
The layered materials in sandwich panels are stronger and less likely to become damaged over time. Some insurance companies even offer a discount for composite panel caravans.
The high-density XPS foam in sandwich panels offers better insulation compared to the more brittle kind that is cut and placed around the frame of stick and tin caravans.
Aluminium panels are layered on stick and tin caravans, so there’s more opportunity for water to get in at the joins.
Fibreglass can be quickly and easily cleaned after your trip because dirt will not stick to it, saving you time after your holiday.
It is much easier to patch and repair a small section of a fibreglass wall. You may need to take off several aluminium panels to get to the damaged panel, and then replace it all for a dent.

Aluminium frames are self-supporting and become part of the structure of the caravan. Wooden frames are nowhere near as strong and need to be supported by a heavier chassis.
Wooden frames will rot if exposed to water for long enough. Aluminium frames will not rot or rust, ever.
If you’re looking for a caravan that will outlast your need for it, then composite panels and an aluminium frame are the way to go.
All Snowy River Caravan models are built using this modern construction method, so why not download a brochure? To see one in the flesh, find or contact your local dealer today.