Maintenance, Manuals & Warranty

Nationwide Warranty Icon for Snowy River Caravan

Here you will find manuals and information regarding your Snowy River Caravan


A message from Swift Appliances on 8/6/2022

Due to circumstance beyond our control, we have been informed by the ACCC that we need to notify our customers in regard to the incident that has occurred. Please read the notice below and advise your customers that the Swift 500 series is not allowed to be used Australia wide until further notice. We hope this is a temporary situation, we are waiting on a reply from the ACC and WA authorities as to what steps are to be taken next. Please be patient once we have more information we will advise through our website. Please be informed the electrical element can still be used.

Swift Appliance Group Pty Ltd is current liaising with the ACCC, WA DMIRS and Resources Safety and Health Queensland regarding gas explosion safety risks in the 500 – Series Caravan Gas Cookers. We will provide more information as soon as possible after conferring with the regulatory bodies. Consumers must immediately cease using the products until tests determine the cause of the explosion and the products are deemed safe.

If you would like to be kept updated, please send your name, email, chassis number to